The Government of Telangana State Christian Minorities Finance Corporation to assist the weaker sections of Christians, for their Socio-economic development by providing Training, Employment and Placement for unemployed youth, Bank Linked Income Generation Schemes, Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Financial Assistance to Church run Institutions like Schools, Hostels, Orphanages, Hospitals, Community Hall-Cum Youth Resource Center, Church Constructions/ Renovations, Subsidy to Pilgrimage to Holy Land of Jerusalem, Celebration of Christmas, Anglo Indian Day Celebrations, Promotion of Christian Culture and Youth Awareness Programmes.
a) To provide financial assistance to the financially and socially weaker and needy Christian Minorities residing in the State of Telangana for their social betterment, economic development and general upliftment by helping and assisting them in carrying on any trade, business, industry, service, agriculture and other allied activities.
b) To provide vocational training to the educated unemployed youth for acquiring necessary skills in demand oriented latest trades.
c) Implementing the Administration of Justice program to the Christian unemployed Law Graduates
d) Supervision and monitoring the admissions into Christian minority educational institutions
For More Details Visit: www.tscmfc.in